
How We Grew an Email Audience by 500 Percent

Email has been around for decades, but remains one of the most important marketing channels—especially for re-engaging people who already know you. Email, therefore, is a great way to turn a one-time interaction into an ongoing relationship. When a young organization approached Polymath about quickly growing their email list, they had launched a site and…

Harnessing Data to Make Branding Decisions

Branding is tricky work, but knowing how to support the creative process with data can help you make confident decisions.

In Times of Crisis, Actions Speak Louder than Words

When crises strike, our first instinct as communicators is often to scramble together a coherent statement. Ever heard the maxim, “Say it first, and say it fast”? Well-intentioned as that may be, a rapid-fire response mindset opens up a world of pitfalls… What if what feels like a crisis to you isn’t really a crisis…

Why Won’t You Read This?

Did that title jarr you a bit, perhaps even offend you just a little? Or, conversely, did I endear myself to you ever so slightly by identifying our collective inclination to skim headlines on articles we’ll never read? Regardless, you’re probably a bit more “aware” of yourself and your relation to this article; you may…

After 7 Years as a Remote Agency, We Have a Few Tips

For the millions of Americans who are facing a whole new definition of work/life balance in the era of coronavirus, we at Polymath want to extend a warm welcome to the life of remote work. We’ve been a distributed agency since the beginning, and we’ve learned a few things about how to stay focused, productive…

‘Storyselling’: The Art & Science of Connection

Storytelling is a critical tool for brands who aim to create meaningful connection with audiences. If you want your message to be “sticky,” here’s how you do it.

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