Avoid This Money Mistake on Your Next Video Project

How much does it cost to create a video? That’s a hard question to answer without additional information. But, there is an easy way to ensure you get the most value for your budget: a video consultation. The biggest mistake we see our partners make when considering new video projects is committing to a video…

Advertainment: How Brands are Using Stories to Engage Audiences

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a fun and memorable Christmas song. But, it’s easy to forget that the story was created by Montgomery Ward department stores. The idea of using stories to draw customers is not new. Stories have a way of engendering affection, and affection is a coveted asset. But if you’ve paid attention…

Video Trends for 2018

There was a time not so long ago that quality video production was only for the major players in entertainment and advertising. Like so many other industries, technology has dramatically shrunk filmmaking costs across the board. Simultaneously, increases in data processing allow us to engage with motion-based graphics in a way that simply wasn’t possible…