Working in collaboration with the John Templeton Foundation and Sword & Spoon Group, Polymath developed a concept for a consumer-facing media platform highlighting research and news at the intersection of “science and meaning.” Following an initial phase of branding, design, and content development, ORBITER magazine was born.



Our branding, website, and video work led to a social media marketing campaign that drove immediate traction among key audiences, exceeding goals for engagement and traffic. Over 10 months, the Polymath team refined advertising strategies, developed compelling original content, and bolstered ORBITER‘s email list, leading to over 18,000 unique monthly visitors and over 10,000 Facebook followers. In June 2018, the popular NPR blog “13.7” relocated to ORBITER as its new online home.

Throughout its life cycle, Polymath oversaw all ongoing aspects of content production and creative development for the magazine, which is now part of Big Think.
